Akismet spam detection

Akismet is used out of the box when the AKISMET_API_KEY setting is defined:

AKISMET_API_KEY = "your-api-key"

This can also be enabled explicitly:

FLUENT_CONTENTS_USE_AKISMET = True  # Enabled by default when AKISMET_API_KEY is set.

The following settings are optional:

AKISMET_BLOG_URL = "http://example.com"  # Optional, to override auto detection
AKISMET_IS_TEST = False  # Enable to make test runs

When spam is detected, the default behavior depends on the spam score. Obvious spam is discarded with an HTTP 400 response, while possible spam is marked for moderation.

The FLUENT_COMMENTS_AKISMET_ACTION setting can be one of these values:

  • auto chooses between moderate, soft_delete and delete based on the spam score.
  • moderate will always mark the comment for moderation.
  • soft_delete will mark the comment as moderated + removed, but it can still be seen in the admin.
  • delete will outright reject posting the comment and respond with a HTTP 400 Bad Request.


By default, Akismet will not report any post from the Django superuser as spam. Comments with the name “viagra-test-123” will always be flagged as spam.


Akismet is a third party service by Automattic. Note that GDPR Compliance is next-to-impossible with this service.