IP-Address detection

This package stores the remote IP of the visitor in the model, and passes it to Akismet for spam detection. The IP Address is read from the REMOTE_ADDR meta field. In case your site is behind a HTTP proxy (e.g. using Gunicorn or a load balancer), this would make all comments appear to be posted from the load balancer IP.

The best and most secure way to fix this, is using WsgiUnproxy middleware in your wsgi.py:

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from django.conf import settings
from wsgiunproxy import unproxy

application = get_wsgi_application()
application = unproxy(trusted_proxies=settings.TRUSTED_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IPS)(application)

In your settings.py, you can define which hosts may pass the X-Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request. For example:



Please don’t try to read HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR blindly with a fallback to HTTP_REMOTE_ADDR. These headers could be provided by hackers, effectively circumventing your IP-address checks. Use WsgiUnproxy instead, which protects against maliciously injected headers.

Amazon Web Services Support

For AWS hosting, there is also wsgi-aws-unproxy which does the same for all CloudFront IP addresses.

IP-Subnet filtering

Use the netaddr package to trust a full IP-block, e.g. for Kubernetes Ingress:

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from netaddr import IPNetwork
from wsgiunproxy import unproxy

application = get_wsgi_application()
application = unproxy(trusted_proxies=IPNetwork(''))(application)